Home. What is home?
Almost a year ago, after 5 years living in another country, i decided to move "home".
To the place i was raised. To the very house i grew up in.
Is that what home is? The place you know best?
Almost a year ago, after 5 years living in another country, i decided to move "home".
To the place i was raised. To the very house i grew up in.
Is that what home is? The place you know best?
The place you feel most comfortable?
For me, it's only one of the possible applications of the word.
The idea of home, is, well, simply that - an idea.
The idea of home, is, well, simply that - an idea.
A concept.
A feeling.
That concept also applies to the destination we seek, on our inner journey.
We journey inwards, shedding the outer layers, in order to glimpse, and remember what we are in essence.
To allow ourselves to come into being our "true" selves.
To know oneself truly is to be home, and to stay rooted in that state, is the goal, right?
To know oneself truly is to be home, and to stay rooted in that state, is the goal, right?
The spiritual seeker is truly trying to find home.
Even tho home is always with us, the core of what we are, we spend much of our lives unable to remember what it means to be home. Distracted by life, and the experiences of our five physical "outer" senses, it's all too easy to forget to use our inner senses. To remember what it feels like to Be, in that place, that feeling, that knowing.
As it turned out, the physical movement back to the home of my childhood, facilitated more movement on my inner journey homeward.
Behind me, i left much i no longer need in my life.
Many material items, habitual thought/behavioural patterns, even the concept of working for someone else.
Before me lies a fresh path. One i've dreamed of walking for some time.
A true re-invention of my-self has begun, and continues in every moment...
the skills i developed in the past, are what i now put to use, to create this new life.
A life of working for myself, with the intention of helping others.
Creative projects abound, i am more inspired than ever.
Even tho home is always with us, the core of what we are, we spend much of our lives unable to remember what it means to be home. Distracted by life, and the experiences of our five physical "outer" senses, it's all too easy to forget to use our inner senses. To remember what it feels like to Be, in that place, that feeling, that knowing.
As it turned out, the physical movement back to the home of my childhood, facilitated more movement on my inner journey homeward.
Behind me, i left much i no longer need in my life.
Many material items, habitual thought/behavioural patterns, even the concept of working for someone else.
Before me lies a fresh path. One i've dreamed of walking for some time.
A true re-invention of my-self has begun, and continues in every moment...
the skills i developed in the past, are what i now put to use, to create this new life.
A life of working for myself, with the intention of helping others.
Creative projects abound, i am more inspired than ever.
Each new idea sparks another...
all the while, my understanding of healing, and my ability to facilitate it grows...
all the while, my understanding of healing, and my ability to facilitate it grows...
my understanding of myself, of others, of reality and our relationship with everything in it expands...
and seemingly out of nowhere,life brings like-minded individuals my way...
bringing with them a whole new set of ideas and potentials.
One personal goal i've begun working towards, is to fuse both aspects of my interest - artistic creativity, with healing potential. The groundwork has already been done, but there's a way to go yet.
I've good work ahead of me, and i'm more excited than i've ever been.
Just to be, me.
Looking back, i see the various paths i've trodden, bringing me to this place. Those that in turn allow my future to be exactly what i want it to be.
Though the future is yet to be created, i see it now, an image firmly rooted in my mind.
The many paths i never realised i was walking all at once, have converged and become one.
It leads only one direction - home.
It's good to be. Home.