Saturday, 19 February 2011

What is Home?

Home. What is home?
Almost a year ago, after 5 years living in another country, i decided to move "home".
To the place i was raised. To the very house i grew up in.
Is that what home is? The place you know best?
The place you feel most comfortable?
For me, it's only one of the possible applications of the word.

The idea of home, is, well, simply that - an idea. 
A concept. 
A feeling.

That concept also applies to the destination we seek, on our inner journey.
We journey inwards, shedding the outer layers, in order to glimpse, and remember what we are in essence. 
To allow ourselves to come into being our "true" selves. 
To know oneself truly is to be home, and to stay rooted in that state, is the goal, right?
The spiritual seeker is truly trying to find home.

Even tho home is always with us, the core of what we are, we spend much of our lives unable to remember what it means to be home. Distracted by life, and the experiences of our five physical "outer" senses, it's all too easy to forget to use our inner senses. To remember what it feels like to Be, in that place, that feeling, that knowing.

As it turned out, the physical movement back to the home of my childhood, facilitated more movement on my inner journey homeward.
Behind me, i left much i no longer need in my life. 
Many material items, habitual thought/behavioural patterns, even the concept of working for someone else.
Before me lies a fresh path. One i've dreamed of walking for some time.
A true re-invention of my-self has begun, and continues in every moment...
the skills i developed in the past, are what i now put to use, to create this new life.
A life of working for myself, with the intention of helping others.
Creative projects abound, i am more inspired than ever. 
Each new idea sparks another...
all the while, my understanding of healing, and my ability to facilitate it grows... 
my understanding of myself, of others, of reality and our relationship with everything in it expands...
and seemingly out of nowhere,life brings like-minded individuals my way...
bringing with them a whole new set of ideas and potentials.

One personal goal i've begun working towards, is to fuse both aspects of my interest - artistic creativity, with healing potential. The groundwork has already been done, but there's a way to go yet.
I've good work ahead of me, and i'm more excited than i've ever been.
Just to be, me.

Looking back, i see the various paths i've trodden, bringing me to this place. Those that in turn allow my future to be exactly what i want it to be.
Though the future is yet to be created, i see it now, an image firmly rooted in my mind.
The many paths i never realised i was walking all at once, have converged and become one.
It leads only one direction - home.

It's good to be. Home.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

I love the way spirit works.

Ok so, a week or 2 ago, while receiving a Reiki/crystal 'attunement' , i got a brief glimpse of a guide.
I saw him in my mind's eye, and after, my friend who'd been doing the attunement, who'd seen him too, described him to me, and told me of his particular area of expertise. He is guiding me with regards to the information that comes my way, and helping with storage and retaining of information, so to speak.
Anyway, since 'meeting' him, i've been very consciously aware of information, things i read, or hear, and the way that they seem to come my way 'by accident'.
ie - links people post on my fb page, or some source of info that might be mentioned while reading an interview with someone, that sort of thing.
Yesterday, on another forum, someone mentioned downloading a guided meditation on a site -

I first heard of THEO when Regina at Conscious Media Network interviewed Sheila Gillette, the woman who channels this angelic group, but didn't look any further into it.

"Since 1969, Sheila Gillette has channeled a powerful group of 12 archangels collectively known as Theo. A global community is now gathering, embracing the wisdom teachings of Theo which explain modern paradoxes, illuminating a path of hope for seemingly insurmountable challenges.

“We are twelve Archangels here as mentors, guides, teachers for the evolution of consciousness for humanity. It is a time of grand transition and evolution of consciousness that allows for all individuals to come into the wholeness of their being, to integrate their soul in its totality and to express that upon this planet.” – THEO

So i checked out the site, and signed up for the 2 free downloads on offer, 1 being the guided meditation i was looking for, the other being a recording of the AskTheo radio show they do every week, recorded on 11/1/11.
I did this late last night, so decided to wait until today to listen to both.

This morning, i woke with memories of a dream, the beginning of which, was me getting out of bed, and the end of which, was me going back to bed, to sleep. 
it went like this -
I woke in a bed, covered in warm cozy black fleece-like covers. I got up out of bed, which was in one room, and went thru an open doorway into the next room. In there i met a young girl. She was quite young, no more than 4 or 5 years old, i reckon. No-one else was around.
The girl asked me if i'd read her a story from her book. I said "of course", and went thru to the other room, and sat on the bed, which was the only furniture in either room. I patted the bed beside me, meaning for her to come sit beside me. She came over, handed me her book, and climbed up and lay on the bed, with her head resting on my legs. I was a little surprised at this familiarity from an apparent stranger, and was touched by the obvious affection she was showing me.
Then, down by the bed, out of nowhere, materialised a woman. She started to read the book to the girl. I wasn't aware of the words she was speaking. The girl reached up to hold my hand, and i stroked her hair with my other hand.
Then it got a little uncomfortable. The girl was caressing my hand and arm, in a way that seemed a little too 'adult', very sensual, and it seemed inappropriate to me. Right then the woman, who was reading, and whom i'd assumed was the girl's Mother, looked up at me, and continued reading. I caught two words from the passage - "the lovers", at which she gave me a knowing look.
This made me feel uncomfortable, and i got the feeling the Mother was suggesting my relationship with the little girl was inappropriate.
I carefully got up from the bed, trying not to disturb the girl. I was walking away, and looked back. The girl was looking at me.
I went back over, and lifted her head gently, and slid a pillow under it, to make sure she was comfortable. She seemed content, smiling.
I went thru to the other room for a minute, and when i came back thru, both Woman and girl had disappeared.
With nothing else to do, i decided to climb back into the bed, under those warm black covers, and fell asleep.

Today, i listened to the radio show, and it was dealing with Soul integration. Talking about the fragments of our soul that get lost, when as a child, we experience some kind of trauma, or some belief is taken on, that makes us believe we aren't good enough, or we aren't cared for.
It talked about making contact with that aspect of ourselves, and making a commitment to nurture and care for that little lost scared child.
As i listened, i couldn't help but recall the dream i'd had this morning. Was this me making contact with, and beginning to nurture a soul fragment? A young girl who hadn't been read a story before bed, and so felt unloved in that moment? Does the fact that she disappeared mean i was successful in nurturing her? Or did i fail after feeling uncomfortable with her affectionate touch? 
The conscious mind can be a hinderance at times, during non-physical experiences.
What takes place on an energetic level, is filtered and translated into the 'visual' experience we call dreams or out-of-body/astral experiences. It has to be, if we are to have any memory of it with our waking mind. Unfortunately, this often results in us reacting to events, based on the translation we're 'viewing' at the time. 
Coming into contact with a fragment of your own soul, has the potential to be an overwhelming experience. Often the non-physical traveller experiencing such an intimate contact as two soul aspects coming together, perceiving the merging of energies, gets carried away with the experience, and for him it turns into an 'Astral Sex' experience.
In this instant, i was dealing with what i perceived as a child. So even tho she is a part of the greater I AM, that I indeed AM a part of myself, my mind still reacted as if she was an actual child in a room with me. I hope that by returning and laying her head on the pillow, she felt secure and loved enough to integrate back into the whole...

All of this got me thinking about the guide, dropping the relevant information in my path just when i need it...and allowing me to see how it all links together. 
These aren't separate incidents, but a continuing chain of events. On a non-linear timeline too.
The dream came first, before i heard the recording telling me to find the child who needs nurtured. 

Looking a bit more deeply, i will have to research and meditate on the possible meaning of "the lovers". The tarot card instantly came to mind, so i think there's some deeper meaning to be found there...

I love how spirit works! :D

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